

Welcome to the Scratch Off Odds Lottery Analyzer for Washington! Here you'll find an overview of the best (and worst) scratch off tickets.
The best tickets to buy typically have a larger percentage of top prizes remaining compared to how many tickets are still in circulation.
Game #TitlePriceROITop PrizeProfit
1747LUCKY FOR LIFE V16$5-0.537$1,000-$2.68
1786LUCKY FOR LIFE V17 (100)$5-0.512$1,000-$2.56
1769LOTERIA 26TH EDITION$2-0.441$20,000-$0.88
1819UNWRAP THE CASH$1-0.440$5,000-$0.44
1820CANDY CANE LANE (100)$5-0.437$50,000-$2.19
1774MONEY BAG SLINGO$3-0.432$30,000-$1.30
1736CORGI CASH$1-0.430$2,000-$0.43
1802Donuts to Dollars Crossword$3-0.428$30,000-$1.28
1748TRIPLE CASH$1-0.426$5,000-$0.43
1749RED HOT DOUBLE DOUBLER$1-0.422$2,000-$0.42